Tuesday 15 July 2014

World Soccer Games 2014 Cup 2.2 APK for Android

World Soccer Games 2014 Cup 2.2 APK for Android

 Downloads: 2810 Updated: July 6, 2014

A fast and fun top football game for Android. (Or top soccer games for the American in you).
Play a fun game of the best football game experience on your device.
Kick-off from the centre of the football field, dribble your way to the opponent's goal, and kick the ball in for a score.
From realistic passes to powerful shots, this football game has it all.
This game will have you hooked for many matches as you watch your team make it to the winner cup finals!
So get ready from the point the whistle blows off for kick off, this is one football game you'll want to be with!

World Soccer Games 2014 Cup Screenshots

Download World Soccer Games 2014 Cup APK File

• File Name: World-Soccer-Games-2014-Cup.apk

  • • License and Price: Free / $0
  • • Requires: Android 2.0.1 and up
Note: click on the above link to proceed to the download page.

top 10 foods for healty eye vision

Top 10 foods for healthy eye vision

Top 10 foods for healthy eye vision

Eyes are the organs of vision,it is a very important part of our body.Most people suffer from poor eyesight and they have difficulty in seeing objects which are near and which are far away.As seen many kids develop eye problem from a very small age.So for better eye vision it is necessary that we take proper care of our eyes,and for that we need to be kept healthy and take proper diet food.Our eyes need vitamins A, C as well as omega 3 fatty acids and bioflavonoids, carotenoids, mineral, fatty acids and anti oxidants to stay well and healthy. https://www.randomsocks.com/?page=buy-socks

Top 10 foods for healthy eyes are  -

1. Blueberries

Blueberries help for better eye sight
Advantage :-
1. Blueberries has vasoprotective and rhodopsin properties which help in better cellular regeneration.
2. It support healthy eye function through its antioxidant, collagen stabilizing and anti inflammatory properties.
3. Blood pressure levels are lowered and inflammation is controlled

2. Walnuts

Walnuts maintains the good health of the eyes.
Advantage :-
1. The nuts contain good amount of fatty acids of omega-3 variety.
2. There are zinc and vitamin nutrients in them as well as different anti oxidants.
3. These nutrients help in preventing Inflammations in the eyes.

                   Read { Top 10 food for health }

3. Dark Chocolate

Now here is one more reason to have it,It helps to preserve the health of the eyes.
1. Dark chocolate is present with Antioxidants like flavonols which increases the blood flow to the retina.
2. When one incorporates flavonols in their diet they are able to see situations better even under dim lighting.
If any one do not like dark choclate can have apples, cranberries, red wine are other options which contain the flavonol compound to help better eye health.

4.Coffee And Tea

yes Coffee And Tea also helps in maintaining eye vision
1. Caffeine is known to boost the production of tears.
2. It is known that coffee and tea can help to reduce the dryness of eyes
However one needs to moderate their intake of caffeine on a daily basis as other side effects might come forth.  https://www.randomsocks.com/?page=buy-socks


Strawberry comes with many nutrients which can help in healthy eyes
1. Strawberry has high amount of vitamin C in it which ensures that the eyes are healthy and inflammation is reduced.
2. Strawberry has different antioxidants present in it which can help prevent the drying up of eyes, macular degeneration as well as vision defects.
One should consume three or more serving of strawberries in order to reduce the possibilities of eye defects related with age.

6. Peppers

Peppers in different colors are good for the overall health of the eyes.
1. Peppers is known as rich source of vitamins A and C. 
2. Having Vitamin A helps to preserve eyesight.
3. Vitamin C protects the eyes against cataracts.
4. Peppers are rich in vitamin B6 as well.
One can have peppers in different forms as you can consume them baked,stir fried or in raw form in salads.

7. Carrot

Carrot is especially beneficial for the eyes.
1. Carrot prevents Night blindness.
2. Carrot contain beta carotene which acts as a precursor to vitamin A.
3. Eating of carrot ,healthy and clear cornea is maintained.
4. Carrot are rich in potassium and fiber.

8. Broccoli

Offers many kinds of nutrients which can affect eye health.
1. Broccoli is rich in vitamin B2.
2. Cataracts are prevented and their progress is delayed in old people
3. Lutien and zeaxanthin are antioxidants which ensure healthy eye sight.
4. The nutrients are present in the flower heads as well as stalks and leaves of broccoli.
One can consume this vegetable in salad or raw form.

9. Sweet Potato

This root vegetable is known to be good for the eyes.
1. Sweet potato contains vitamin A
2. It helps in improving eyesight.
3. This vegetable is rich in potassium, fiber and beta carotene.
4. Bacterial or viral infections and their possibilities are lessened by taking in sweet potatoes.
one can have it in fried, boiled, baked or grilled form.

10. Avocado

The avocado fruit is known to be great for the eyes.
1. Avocado contains lutien which prevents the macular degeneration of the eyes
2. Other nutrients contained in avocado are vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6, beta carotene which help to ensure good eyesight.
3. The stress and damage that lead to poor vision is reduced by the intake of this fruit.
One can add it to salads, sandwiches, and soups or have it by themselves.

consult the doctor before use (Be Safe)….

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top 10 food for healthy heart

Top 10 food for healthy heart

Almost half of young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 have at least one 
coronary heart disease risk factor– such as high blood pressure, stress, or an 
unhealthy diet—which is pretty scary considering these factors can strongly 
predict a long-term risk of coronary heart disease. https://www.randomsocks.com/?page=buy-socks
The good news for young people is that about 80 percent of heart disease can be 
prevented through healthy diet and lifestyle choices. That means hitting the 
gym, quitting smoking and most importantly—cleaning up your nutrition plan. 
Apart from salty and processed foods , it’s a great idea to load up on eats 
that actually help your heart. Here, the list to live by.

Top 10 food healthy for heart are below:

1. Dark chocolate

It is believed that the dark chocolate helps to protect the cardiovascular 
system. The reasoning being that the cocoa bean is rich in a class of plant 
nutrients called flavonoids.Dark chocolate helps restore flexibility to the 
arteries while also preventing white blood cells from sticking to the walls of 
blood vessels. https://www.randomsocks.com/?page=buy-socks

2. Garlic

This wonderful herbal plant, grown for its underground root or bulb, contains 
health promoting phyto-nutrient substances that have proven benefits against 
coronary artery diseases and infections.The tiny garlic clove may play a big 
role in reducing the risk of heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke.Garlic is 
an excellent source of minerals and vitamins that are essential for optimum 

3. Olive oil 

Olive oil is the chief source of edible oils since ancient times.Olive oil is 
the best edible oil in terms of palatability, stability, lipid profile, and 
safety profiles.Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and polyunsaturated fats 
(PUFAs) may help lower your risk of heart disease.But even healthier fats like 
olive oil are high in calories, so use them only in moderation.Olive oil is 
also rich in vitamin E. https://www.randomsocks.com/?page=buy-socks

4. Nuts

You can carry them along with you wherever you go.Nuts help to lower LDL or 
‘bad cholesterol’ and increase HDL or good cholesterol.Nuts are the storehouse 
of health benefiting poly-phenolic flavonoid antioxidants such as carotenes, 
resveratrol, lutein, cryptoxanthin, etc;as these compounds have been found to 
offer protection against heart disease, degenerative nerve disease.

           Must read {Top 10 food for health}

5. Avocado

Avacados are among the popular fruits having good nutrition profile and health 
benefiting properties.They are a very good source of soluble and insoluble 
dietary fiber, 100 g fruit provides 6.7 g or about 18% of recommended daily 
intake. Dietary fibers help lower blood cholesterol levels and prevent 
constipation.Avocados are readily available in the market year around.

6. Oranges

Orange is the citrus fruit.Orange fruit contains a very good amount of minerals
like potassium and calcium. Potassium is an important component of cell and 
body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure through countering sodium actions.Oranges also contain very good levels of vitamin A, and other flavonoid antioxidants compounds which help maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin.Orange fruit juice can be a re-freshening intra-day drink.   https://www.randomsocks.com/?page=buy-socks

7. Whole Grains

Whole grains whether its wheat, barley, millet, pulses and even beans for that 
matter are good for the heart because they provide natural fibre and vitamins. 
They contains vitamin E, iron, magnesium and a host of anti-oxidants. Regular 
consumption of of whole grains reduces blood pressure too and it will stable 
your heart rate.

8. Tomatoes

Tomatoes is a good source of vitamins and acts as a blood purifier.Fresh tomato 
is very rich in potassium, 100 g contain 237 mg of potassium and just 5 mg of 
sodium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps 
controlling heart rate and blood pressure caused by sodium.Flavonoid 
antioxidant, is an unique phytochemical present in the tomatoes.Food rich in 
flavonoids is known to help protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.   https://www.facebook.com/TheEssentialBakingCompany/app_169839943222567

9. Almonds

Almonds is among the richest sources of health-benefiting nutrients essential for optimum health.They are especially, rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids like oleic and palmitoleic acids that help to lower LDL or bad cholesterol and increase HDL or good cholesterol.Research studies suggest that Mediterranean diet help to prevent coronary artery disease and strokes by favoring healthy blood lipid profile. https://www.facebook.com/TheEssentialBakingCompany/app_169839943222567

10. Spinach

Spinach is a wonderful green-leafy vegetable foods for its wholesome 
nutritional, antioxidants and anti-cancer composition.Its leaves hold a good 
amount of soluble dietary fiber and no wonder green spinach is one of the 
finest vegetable sources recommended in cholesterol controlling and weight 
reduction programs.Spinach is a rich source of several vital anti-oxidant 
vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin C, and flavonoid poly phenolic antioxidants.  https://www.facebook.com/TheEssentialBakingCompany/app_169839943222567